2011-11-03 Ben O'Loughlin to speak on Crisis and New Communications Media

Adam Smith Research Foundation, University of Glasgow

Symposium: Crisis and New Communications Media

Date and time: Thursday 3 November 2011, 5–7pm

Venue: Seminar Room 109, 66 Oakfield Avenue

It makes decreasing sense to speak of media and crisis in isolation. As the media insinuates itself into the everyday in the developed and the developing world, it becomes a pervasive tool for both perpetrating and assuaging crises, for garnering revolutions and for intervention by citizens and enforcement agencies/first responders, and as an emergent source for later legitimizing or contesting such actions in broader mainstream news and political discourses.


Prof. Andrew Hoskins (University of Glasgow); Prof. Ben O’Loughlin (Royal Holloway University); Dr Pieter Verdegem (Uppsala University); Dr Jennifer Giroux (ETH Zurich); Dr Karen Renaud (University of Glasgow); Prof. Michele Burman (University of Glasgow (TBC))

To reserve a place, please email Frances.Gaughan@glasgow.ac.uk