O'Loughlin lead editor at Media, War & Conflict

Ben O'Loughlin will be lead editor of the journal Media, War & Conflict for the next 12 months, taking over from Prof. Barry Richards. The journal has enjoyed a marked upswing in the quality and quantity of submissions over the past year and the editorial team have a number of initiatives to take the journal a step forward again.

The journal recently moved to Online First allowing articles to be published immediately ahead of their inclusion in formal issues. There are some great pieces by the likes of Stuart Allan, Shawn Powers and Guy Golan available here.

For enquiries about submitting to the journal please contact Ben.OLoughlin@rhul.ac.uk.

The journal's current book review editor is Theo Mazumdar at University of Southern California. For enquires about reviews please contact Theo at bmazumda@usc.edu.